Attorney Michał Bieniak Appointed the Editor-in-Chief of the ‘Palestra’ Journal for Lawyers
By a resolution of the Board of Attorneys (Naczelna Rada Adwokacka) of 30 March 2023, att. Michał Bieniak was appointed the editor-in-chief of the ‘Palestra – Pismo Adwokatury Polskiej’ journal. ‘Palestra’ is the oldest Polish legal periodical with over 100...
Attorney Michał Bieniak Inaugurates the ‘Law’ Section of the ‘Property Insider’
By way of inauguration of the ‘Law’ section, the latest issue of the ‘Property Insider’ magazine features an article by attorney Michał Bieniak. The article is devoted to valorisation in lease contracts and the methods tenants can deploy to delay or prevent...
Attorney Michał Bieniak on the Geological and Mining Law
We are pleased to announce that the penultimate twenty-first issue of the ‘Monitor Prawniczy’ legal magazine features an article by attorney Michał Bieniak devoted to the application of the regulations contained in the Polish Civil Code to liability for mining...