Attorney Michał Bieniak Appointed the Editor-in-Chief of the ‘Palestra’ Journal for Lawyers

By a resolution of the Board of Attorneys (Naczelna Rada Adwokacka) of 30 March 2023, att. Michał Bieniak was appointed the editor-in-chief of the ‘Palestra – Pismo Adwokatury Polskiej’ journal. ‘Palestra’ is the oldest Polish legal periodical with over 100 years of history, and it is currently published by the Board of Attorneys.

In the past, its editors-in-chief included Stanisław Car, the pre-war Minister of Justice and Speaker of the Sejm, Adam Chełmoński, pre-war MP of the Sejm from the People’s National Union, and Czesław Jaworski, the President of the Board of Attorneys during the period from  1995 to 2001.